Civil Engineering

CCI's civil engineering services include working with clients from the initial conceptual design of a residential or commercial subdivision through the construction phase. We provide pre-site selection services including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and wetland delineation/permitting, and work with clients during and after the construction phase with stormwater and wastewater design and management.

 Our team members have design and construction experience on projects ranging from the design of individual wastewater treatment plants to construction of a 600+ unit multifamily apartment complex.

Our familiarity with local planning and zoning regulations, as well as attendant State and Federal requirements, works to allow implementation of complex projects in a timely fashion.


Site Engineering

Feasibility studies

Typical project experience includes working with site selection consultants to identify early on potential problems such as jurisdictional wetlands, sensitive environments, drainage/flooding issues, and air quality requirements.


We work with licensed surveyors to develop preliminary plats during the subdivision or resubdivision process. Out team provides on-site surveying services during construction including stake out and development of as-built drawings when improvements are completed.

 Drainage Impact Studies

A critical concern of developing civil projects is defining the impact the development will have on the existing watershed. We conduct drainage impact studies to determine post-development impact, and then design solutions that assure the development will comply with applicable local ordinances. Solutions may include detention ponds or swales, designed wetland areas, and vegetative stormwater controls.

 Traffic studies

We work with clients and regulatory agencies to develop and implement traffic studies that are required for new or expanding facilities. We have conducted traffic counts and have performed noise impact analyses for projects such as proposed subdivisions, new roadways, and for proposed roadway improvements.

Rezoning and re-subdivision of property

Many greenfield projects require that the subject property be re-zoned and/or subdivided prior to commencing with final design or construction. We work with agency personnel to identify potential hot-button issues, and have also been team members when controversial projects required public relations, legal advisors, and economic development specialists to "shepherd" a proposed project to completion.

Site Design

The successful completion of the tasks above culminates in the development of detailed engineering design plans. We work with our client partners during the design process and with the local oversight agency to ensure timely and responsive reviews. Our qualified team members interface with site contractors during the construction process and we provide oversight of the installation of the infrastructure improvements as part of construction management services.

 real estate development

Feasibility Studies

Post-Katrina site evaluation

Post-Katrina site evaluation

Post Katrina, CCI provided numerous clients with rapid turnaround assessments of numerous parcels to be evaluated for construction of critical housing. This included analysis of aerial photography, initial wetlands reviews, targeted Phase I site assessments, and on-site reconnaissance. This work was done as per FEMA requirements for environmental clearance.

Site Design and Construction Oversight

CCI provided complete site design and construction oversight services for two multi-family developments which included over 600 units in Slidell and Baton Rouge, LA. The work included Phase I Environmental Site         Assessments, preliminary plat development, wetland delineations and permitting, wastewater pump station design, site engineering design, and construction stakeout.

 For a 61-lot subdivision, CCI provided complete site development services including preliminary plan development; construction plans,    wetland permitting and mitigation, water quality certification, storm water pollution prevention plan design and implementation, drainage impact study, and wastewater treatment plant design and operation.

 For a local architectural firm, CCI provided specialty services in the following areas for eight separate projects: paving joint plan, geometric plan, retaining wall design, preliminary site plan, grading & drainage plan, utility plan, traffic impact study, and topographic surveys. Construction stakeout was supplied on several of the projects.

Construction Management

Site Design and Construction Oversight

CCI provided complete site design and construction oversight services for two multi-family developments which included over 600 units in Slidell and Baton Rouge, LA. The work included Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, preliminary plan development, wetland delineations and permitting, wastewater pump station design, site engineering design, and construction stakeout.

 For a 61-lot subdivision, CCI provided complete site development services including preliminary plan development; construction plans, wetland permitting and mitigation, water quality certification, storm water pollution prevention plan design and implementation, drainage impact study, and wastewater treatment plant design and operation.

 For a local architectural firm, CCI provided specialty services in the following areas for eight separate projects: paving joint plan, geometric plan, retaining wall design, preliminary site plan, grading & drainage plan, utility plan, traffic impact study, and topographic surveys. Construction stakeout was supplied on several of the projects.

 Geotechnical Support

Typical project experience includes working with site selection consultants to identify early on potential problems such as jurisdictional wetlands, sensitive environments, drainage/flooding issues, air quality requirements


Air Quality

CCI provides Air Quality services in Permitting and Air Monitoring for both existing and potential facilities.


CCI can provide services from complete turnkey, grassroots facility permitting to providing permit modifications or exemptions for small facilities. We work with design engineers at the initiation of a project to develop the needed data and information to include in the critical air permit application process to assure that the permit review and public comment period progress smoothly. Development of applications for permits and permit modifications

This includes the facility-wide evaluation to assure that all sources of pollutants are identified, the actual emission rates or potential to emit rates are evaluated, and necessary startup, shutdown, and malfunction plans are identified. Controls and reporting processes and frequencies are identified and tabulated. The application is "shepherded" through the regulatory process to assure timely and accurate reviews. Assistance is provided at public meetings and hearings, as needed. Develop and update Emissions Inventory Questionnaires (EIQ)

The development of the EIQ is an integral part of the permitting process; we use site-specific data or accepted EPQ sources to develop this critical permit component.

REGULATORY Interpretation

We frequently assist clients in determining the applicability of current regulations and proposed rulemaking on their operations. We are experienced in providing assistance in management of consent decrees and in developing planning and budgets to comply with them.

Air Toxics Permitting and Compliance.

We have experience in developing air toxics permitting applications, and in assisting clients in tracking emissions to assure compliance. We have helped clients synchronize the purchasing process with compliance reporting to ease the regulatory reporting burden.

Air monitoring

Because air monitoring is an important part of most permitting requirements, CCI offers hands-on assistance in the following areas:

Fence line monitoring

Fence line monitoring

  • Sampling and Reporting

  • Review stack and source analyses

  • Fugitive emissions monitoring

  • Fence line monitoring during construction projects

  • Typical Projects

  • Louisiana Title V Air Permit

CCI prepared the initial Title V air permit application for a specialty chemicals manufacturing facility that produces styrene-based compounds on a batch basis. The permit required that the facility be able to respond with flexibility to market demands, while staying within permit constraints.

 Fugitive Emissions Monitoring

Our team has provided fugitive monitoring services for regulated facilities, including analysis of leak rates, predictions of future compliance needs, and monthly and annual reporting. We provide "as-needed" services for clients performing internal audits and compliance reviews

Fence Line Monitoring

We provided on-site air quality monitoring as a subcontractor during the remediation of a lead-contaminated site that had formerly housed stockpiled lead form World War II. The monitoring was required to ensure no impacts occurred to sensitive nearby receptors which included workers as well as a nearby public park.

Our team implemented a comprehensive air monitoring project for ambient air analysis at a bioremediation project conducted at a steel mill in California. The data produced validated project assumptions that no organics were released during the bioremediation process.

Preparation of EIS, EIQ updates

Routine EIS and EIQ updates are managed for clients to assist in maintaining permit compliance.

 BWON Sampling and Analysis

Benzene Waste Operations NESHAPs (BWON) Compliance services have been provided for clients including wastewater stream identification, sampling, and calculation of Total Annual Benzene generated.

Sampling and Analysis

CCI has provided sampling and data analysis services for petroleum refinery operations for many years. This includes sampling in accordance with USEPA approved methods, assisting the client during inspections, and developing analytical programs for compliance with consent decree requirements.

 Engineering Research and Technical Development

CCI is committed to maintaining an active role in engineering research and technology development in CCI's laboratory and at on-site locations. Past research activities have included biological treatment of hazardous and recalcitrant materials including steel mill rolling oils and tallows, F037 and F038 refinery wastes, nonhazardous oilfield wastes and oil and fuel spills, most of which have led to client application. CCI has also been active in electrochemical treatment processes, including metals precipitation for waste and water treatment, and electrochemical applications in ion exchange.

 Hydraulic Fracture Water Treatment

Hydrofracing uses chemically enhanced surface and/or ground water during the fracking process, and produces formation (production) and flowback waters typically high in in salts of calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, chlorides, and in sulfur, along with hydrocarbon fractions. Benchscale testing for contractors and production companies conducting Pennsylvania (Marcellus) and Louisiana (Haynesville and Bossier, Cotton Valley) shale plays have been performed for water reuse and disposal.

Potable Water Treatment

Design and installation of water treatment processes for potable use are researched in the CCI laboratory and developed in the field of site-specific applications.

Advanced Ion Exchange

Research continues on the use of electrochemical techniques to enhance ion exchange processes.These techniques are being centered on acid mine drainage from Colorado gold mining operations, as well as potable water treatment.Technologies for fuel cell development have been employed to enhance process applications.

Ethanol Research

CCI has been working on a research project producing a cheap, high alcohol by volume (ABV) ethanol that can be used to power properly modified engines, such as generators, lawnmowers, and automobiles by using a by-product of sugar production, molasses. Molasses is a viscous by-product from the refining of sugar cane into sugar. Molasses is abundant is southern Louisiana due to the large amounts of sugar cane fields and has great potential to be a low cost alternative fuels source in Louisiana and its surrounding areas.

Government Municipalities and agencies

CCI utilizes engineering resources to assist governmental agencies solve small and large problems. CCI has provided both Civil and Environmental Engineering services to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, and various city and parish agencies. As a woman owned business, CCI is classified as a DBE (disadvantaged business enterprise).

 LA Department of Transportation and Development

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Throughout the years CCI has participated in numerous projects for DOTD, both as the primary contractor or as sub-contractor. CCI is able to team with other engineering firms approach projects of varying scale. Because CCI is classified as a DBE (disadvantaged business enterprise as per 49 CFR26), CCI has the ability to partner with other firms and receive additional consideration for government projects. The projects range in scale from intersection improvements to preparing a FONSI for a 40+ mile stretch of LA 117.

Parish Work

CCI has a wide range of experience in working with local municipalities, including East Baton Rouge Parish, Ascension Parish, and West Baton Rouge Parish. Work has included such diverse projects as permitting for substandard bridges, preparation of drainage impact studies, and USACOE permitting. We have served as the environmental consultant for the first phase of the $600 million Green Light road improvement project in Baton Rouge, and were responsible for developing environmental assessments, noise, and air quality analysis.

Federal Aviation Administration

CCI served as an environmental sub-consultant on a team that was tasked to perform a fast-track Environmental Assessment the proposed expansion of Runway 4L-22R of the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport (BRMA) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Our scope included preparing the Phase I ESA, performing noise and air quality analyses, wetland delineations, and environmental justice evaluations. This work resulted in the team having the EA approved within a twelve month timeframe, which was a regional FAA record.

 Oil Spill/Emergency Response

CCI has accumulated extensive experience in the areas of oil spill planning and emergency response. We have worked with clients to develop site-specific, user friendly planning documents as required under the Oil Pollution Act and the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations. In addition, we were part of a multi-disciplinary team selected to respond to the BP Deepwater Horizon spill.

Diesil spill 011.jpg

BP Response

CCI provided civil engineering support and services to ILES, LLC, one of the primary emergency response contractors selected to respond to the Deepwater Horizon oil release. During this work, CCI designed and oversaw construction of a work camp designed to provide temporary housing for workers, including design of a sewer system, parking areas and temporary facility building pads, and security facilities. An ultra-fast track road design and build project resulted in the construction of the facility roadway, including acquisition of a state highway driveway permit, within a 10-day period. Additional services included design and construction oversight of several parking areas, stormwater pollution prevention management, environmental sampling and analysis, and regulatory compliance assistance.

Facility Response Plans

For clients that include terminals, specialty gas manufacturing, and asphalt blending facilities, CCI has developed Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plans (SPCC) that comply with both Federal and State regulatory requirements. We have worked with clients to streamline the reporting requirements to reduce uncertainty during the difficult times of a release.

 Sampling and Analysis

Post-Katrina sampling location

Post-Katrina sampling location

We maintain a complete inventory of sampling equipment so that we are able to mobilize at a moment's notice should client require sampling during an emergency release. This rapid response was used extensively during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, wherein CCI performed numerous environmental site assessments with extremely short turn around periods, many of which included development of sampling and analysis plans, historical records searches, on-site inspections, and report preparations within a 3-5 day period.

 Real Estate Due Diligence

 CCI has considerable experience in performing various due diligence services for real estate professionals, developers and those looking for property with certain features. These services include assisting performing various assessments that are necessary for site selection, Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 site assessments, UST Remediation (underground storage tank) services and any other potential areas of concern, including wetlands.

 Site Selection

Endangered species assessment site

Endangered species assessment site

CCI can perform site analysis to determine if a potential property is suitable for development. We will focus on wetlands, environmental conditions, endangered species, location within the flood zone, and engineering feasibility to establish the potential for the project development. We can provide drainage impact studies, traffic analysis, best management practices and engineering design for any potential residential or commercial project.

Phase I, II, III

Phase II 019.jpg

CCI performs Phase I Environmental Site Assessments for real estate transactions that identify potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities. The Phase I ESA is generally considered the first step in the process of environmental due diligence. Standards for performing a Phase I site assessment follow the US EPA on ASTM Standard E1527-05.

If a site is found to be contaminated during the Phase I ESA, CCI will perform a Phase II environmental site assessment, ASTM test E1903. This site investigation is more detailed process involving the sampling of soil and/or water for possible contamination. Chemical analysis for hazardous substances and petroleum hydrocarbons is performed.

Phase III is a general term used for describing the site characterization and cleanup or remediation phase at contaminated sites or facilities. CCI will design and implement work plans, feasibility studies and remediation plans at sites that have significant soil and/or groundwater contamination problems that require cleanup.

UST Remediation

CCI can provide services for all aspects of UST remediation. We have the ability install monitoring wells, perform soil borings, create Corrective Action Technology Plans, develop Quarterly Monitoring Plans, and determine the fastest and most cost effective way toward remediation and eventual closure of the UST. We have a strong working relationship with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LADEQ) and have vast experience in obtaining any permits needed involving the UST remediation.

Water and Wastewater Management

CCI is proud of our seasoned record of tackling and solving complex water and waste management issues, due in part to our principals' strong background in research and development, which has lead to the ability to apply workable, economic solutions in the real world.

Wastewater Treatment

We have developed a reputation for excellence in troubleshooting and diagnosing client wastewater treatment plant and working to implement solutions. CCI and its personnel have developed several U.S. patents in the areas of wastewater treatment, water treatment, and electro-chemical processing for water treatment. CCI's engineering research efforts are supported by in-house analytical laboratory capabilities, which are used to evaluate bench and pilot scale demonstration projects, and treatability studies for physical, chemical, electro-chemical, and biological process evaluations.

Plant Operation

CCI offers certified operators for both water and wastewater as required by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) regulations. These services include water production, treatment and distribution categories, and wastewater collection and treatment. We assist clients in developing and implementing potable water distribution identification plans and in complying with Louisiana DHH mandates.

 Biological Treatment

Our personnel have conducted research funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, and private clients concerning the degradation of solid and hazardous wastes, as well as non hazardous oilfield wastes. Part of the approach that is unique to CCI is 1) the development of microbial cultures targeted specifically for the material to be treated and 2) the utilization of kinetic data design systems capable of degrading substances long considered to be non treatable by biological populations. The kinetic data is developed in-house for the specific waste it is desired to treat. Our services include:

Development of specialized, adapted microbial populations for specific wastes or waste streams

  • Bio- treatability studies

  • Engineered designs for waste treatment

  • Regulatory permitting of on-site biological treatment cells

  • On site bioremediation and turn-key bioremediation project management

  • Training of personnel for system operation

  • Development and implementation of on-site bioremediation project soil and groundwater monitoring programs

  • Emissions quantification

  • Closure certification

Hazardous Waste Management

CCI has worked to assist clients in managing hazardous wastes by providing training and development of hazardous waste management plans, as well as waste minimization programs. Additionally, we have developed processes and selected biological cultures to destroy steel mill tallows, greases and API separator oils, to degrade atrizine, simizine, s-triazine in soils, and degrade phenols and wood preservative wastes. Other materials for which we have developed adapted biological cultures include diesel fuel, jet fuel de-icer, waste oil processing, and weathered hydrocarbons in a saline environment.


The Comprehensive Environmental Restoration, Compensation and Liability Act, commonly referred to as the "Superfund" program, was enacted to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites and to remedy contamination caused by releases of hazardous substances. CCI offers the following remedial action services:

  • Preparation of preliminary assessments (record review)

  • Preparation of Site Investigation plans

  • Development of sampling plans

  • Development of quality assurance/quality control plans

  • Field activities/monitoring equipment

  • Documentation of recoverable costs in accordance with the National Contingency Plan

  • Identification of remedial alternatives

  • Remedial Investigations (RI)

  • Feasibility Studies (FS)

  • Bench Scale Studies

  • Remedial Action Plan (RA)

  • Site Management, Construction Supervision and Operation

  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control

  • Closure Confirmation/Verification for Closure Criteria Attainment

  • Expert witness testimony

Non-Hazardous Oilfield Waste

CCI provides compliance services for clients involved in the management of wastes generated during drilling, exploration, and production of oil and gas. Our focus is on the development and implementation of techniques that minimize, to the maximum extent possible, short and long term liabilities associated with the handling of these wastes. Typical services include:

  • Development of sampling plans, closure schedules

  • Field sampling of commercial TSD facilities

  • Field sampling of oilfield waste lagoons

  • Preparation of closure plans and development/selection of treatment techniques

  • Permit application development

  • Treatment operations optimization

  • On-site bioremediation of oilfield wastes

  • Closure certifications

  • Development of site-specific, pro-active health and safety plans

Remediation Services

For contaminated sites, CCI provides services in the areas of site assessment, including sampling and analyses of contaminants concentrations; engineering analysis of contaminant transport in soils and groundwater; the development and implementation of cleanup techniques for releases to soils and groundwater; and regulatory permitting and interaction necessary to implement corrective actions. We have worked on Superfund sites, solid/hazardous waste sites, and non-hazardous oilfield waste sites. Typical services include:

  • Assessment and management of contaminant plumes in soils and groundwater

  • Surface and subsurface soil investigations

  • Monitor well system design, installation and sampling

  • Feasibility studies

  • Remedial alternative evaluations and action plans

  • Risk assessment and impact

  • Preparation of Site Investigation and Sampling plans

  • Development of quality assurance/quality control plans

  • Preparation of endangerment assessments

  • Field activities/monitoring equipment

  • Identification of remedial alternatives

  • Site Management, Construction Supervision and Operation

  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control

  • Closure Confirmation/Verification for Closure Criteria Attainment

 Wetlands Services

It is increasingly challenging to bring a "greenfields" project to completion in Louisiana, whether the project is a small subdivision or an industrial facility. A major challenge is managing the regulatory process required when the project site contains "jurisdictional wetlands" as defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Natural Resources Conservation Services.

Most importantly, we are accustomed to working within the time frame required by today's competitive marketplace. Over the years, we have developed an excellent working relationship with the regulatory agencies and have developed strategies to optimize the time required for permitting.


CCI can perform wetland delineations which is a detailed process that specifically defines the legal boundary of jurisdictional wetlands on a site. The wetland boundary separates the regulated wetland areas from the uplands on the subject property. CCI performs a detailed wetland determination report that describes the three wetland criteria- hydrology, hydric soils, and vegetation-to show the exact wetland boundary and acreage identified for permitting of impacted wetlands or "other waters." CCI works with the U.S. Corps of Engineers (USCoE) to produce the most accurate wetland map to aid in avoided impacts to wetlands during site development.


CCI performs permitting for wetland impacts including Section 404 Permits and Nationwide permits. The permitting process includes preparation of the permit application for submission to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. CCI will prepare the required drawings, provide engineering design, response to public comments, site alternative analysis, state and federal agency correspondence, and develop strategies for compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts.